Calgary House
Painting Services

Residential Interior Painting

No matter the circumstance outside, we make sure that  inside your home is the perfect place to be. Our expert team of painters are trained, and experienced in interior painting that will make your house feel like a home. Whether you are looking for a full in-home makeover or a simple touch up, our team has the skills necessary, and the loving hand needed to bring character and vibrancy to your living space.

Colour Consultation

We understand what it takes to find the right color, and tones to best suit you and your home. So before the job even begins, you will be sure to have the full attention of our team working with you to find the perfect color, and paint options to capture your desired atmosphere.


At Hotshot Construction, we know what qualities to look for in a top-tier painter, and actively seek out the best in the business in order to ensure that you receive the best as well. We know that every home, and situation is unique, and have found skilled painters that best fit the ever diverse interior painting landscape perfectly.

Interior Painting

No matter what you need for your interior painting desires, let us be the ones to handle it for you. Our detailed painters can tackle walls, trim, moulding, railings, doors, ceilings, and any other interior surface that you want or need painted. We are the team for you.

Colour Selection

 In addition to our expert service, we offer an endless array of color, and paint options for you to choose from to ensure that you will receive the exact interior color and tone that you have always dreamed of, on the first try. 


No job is too big or too small for our team, so contact us today for a free estimate and get started on turning your living space, into the home of your dreams!


We Give It Our Best Shot

Professional painting and roofing services for a great result every time!

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